Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where are we? Where are we going?

This will short—I have a novel to finish—but take a look at the NY Times article written by William Yardley yesterday, on how Sarah Palin managed to get elected Mayor of Wasilla back when. Perhaps, also, take a look at moderate Republican David Brook's editorial today, in the same paper, and understand that this woman isn't crazy, or incompetent; but she does have a point of view that I would like to think is worrisome to a plurality of this country. 

And it is that point of view—one that is a bit too Little House on the Prairie, a little too born-again-and mean-as-hell Christian for someone waiting first in line off stage, for my tastes—that ought to be considered, good and hard, in the next couple of months.

The question asked by everyone to the left of the Christian Right Chorus that is very possibly (we'll see) leading the GOP to a kind of nervous breakdown: Is this really what the country, and the world, need right now?

Enough? Or, Higher and Deeper?

There are consequences to personal decisions that will play out with or without the pundits help. So, if Sarah Palin and her husband are eager to be proud grandparents, if they're elated that there 17-year-old daughter is about to have a child and get married and have their lives possibly under a Real Big Microscope during their early years as a newlywed couple, that is their business.

Just as it was John and Elizabeth Edwards' business to press forth with the husband's candidacy for president after finding out that the wife had had a recurrence of cancer.

As with the reality of a forty-year-old virgin, it might be a sweet thing, and it might not.

But do we really want to find out?

1 comment:

Mark said...

Nice blog!

I guess we sill see what sarah Palin is made of tonight when she give the biggest speech of her life.

The rest of the RNC is a sleeper
