Friday, September 5, 2008

"Raging Rajas of Resentment"

It's Friday. The RNC is over and—the race is on. Don't panic, and hold fast. 

For today's reading, see Paul Krugman's article in the New York Times:

Also, today, from Our Man N. Howe, the working partner in the law firm Rattle & Hum retains full-time, for obvious reasons (see below), check out:

Scroll way down to the "John Stewart Exposes ... " section, and see what Uncle Karl has to say, as well as a few other incongruous souls.

And finally, coming soon: Look for Free Legal Advice from Rattle and Hum's august law firm, Dewey, Diddlum & Howe, where name partner, Les Diddlum, will answer your questions in a column entitled: ASK LES. It promises to be very exciting, and, as noted, free, since Les, by his own admission, is rather shamelessly using this forum to drum up business for the firm, which I won't quibble with, since I am in frequent need of their services, and owe them lots of money, and we all know, anyway, that it isn't wise to look a gift horse in the mouth. 

In addition—and in the spirit of full disclosure—I should also mention that Our Man Lester is coming off a little dry out, an unusual period of community-imposed temperance, which, I've heard from the other partners, who aren't happy about it, didn't agree with him at all, and has done little more than set Les back even further than he normally is, which is saying a lot. In any event, Les is back in his office, stocking the bar with a good brand of gin even as I write this post, and tells us that once he gets his office tidied a little, the water in the hot tub changed, a new ribbon in the typewriter, and perhaps a new jar of olives, he'll be ready to go. We hope.

So, stay tuned. And send in your questions, via the comment section at the end of this post. Les'll get to them as soon as he can.

Be well, and enjoy the weekend.

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