Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Good Life (on the Backs of the Sick)

Let us be glad that we live in a country where so many can make so much bank on the backs of the sick, and that few among us are troubled by it; let us be thankful as well that to keep this juggernaut going we spend twice as much per captita as any other developed nation on "health care", that, by law, taxpayers can't negotiate for the Medicare drugs they pay for, and that many of us who aren't over 65, or veterans, or destitute (driven to or otherwise), are at present paying more for their health insurance (much of it far less than adequate, though they won't realize it unless they get sick) than they are for their mortgages. Let us be thankful, mostly, that here in America one is allowed the opportunity to experience, along with serious illness, the tandem possibility of being financially ruined from it, which, after all, builds character in a way the rich and the fortunate and those with good plans in this country all the other developed nations will never understand, and wouldn't tolerate for a second--let us pity their lack of wisdom, and rejoice in our plentiful Kool-Aid. Amen.

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