During a President Bachman Administration, gas will drop to under two dollars again ...
"That will happen," she says.
Talk about cool!
But imagine if I—Bartleby Productions and, uh ... Ministries—could get your gas down even further, say to under $1.85/gallon ...
Before the election!
How cool would that be?
Of course, seeing through such a highly ambitious and delusional plan will require some financing. And I realize many of you are stretched, but ... ten dollars a day, all of it fully tax deductible (unlike campaign contributions), seems like a more than reasonable amount for me to try and hustle from y'all, and given the worthwhile nature of the goal, I'm sure that ...
If you really care about getting back your cheap gas, you'll have me set up the Pay-Pal—or pay me cash; actually, cash is preferred here at BP&M—as soon as possible in order to get on this bit of business right away, and not wait (and in the meantime pay double) until Prez MB and VP Ricky are sworn in.
Our operators are standing by ...
This week's poll: Will Gold hit $2000.00 before the Rapture? Give us your thoughts.